Published on August 3, 2003 By Doomgaze In WinCustomize Talk
If you haven't seen it yet...


This is the best yet, nobody can touch his work.
You all suck in comparison.
Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 03, 2003
Hey now, how'd China's fonts get involved here?

Fuzzy, I am VERY dissapointed in you. Here you have this incredible creation and you're too selfish to share with the world? Take a lesson from me... er, nevermind that.
on Aug 03, 2003
DWM my rip of yours and gabreils walls has a higher rating than any of my other work!Where is a ratings abuser when you need one?
on Aug 03, 2003
Don't worry, others are allowed to 'adjust' the rating if they don't agree with it. Personally, i think if the other two walls both have a 5, then yours should be 5+5=10
on Aug 03, 2003
At last check they were both over 5 so that would probably bust the ratings meter.
on Aug 03, 2003
Fuuuuzzzyyyy... let's not get into the ratings war again eh?

IR... you only have a better rating because you don't have as many enemies. Not to fear though, I am working on resolving that issue for you.
on Aug 03, 2003
Ratings war? What war? I gave you a 10, what more do you want

Ooops, brainiac, I have a confession to make - it's me who messed up the ratings
on Aug 03, 2003

Well done DWM, Gabriel and Fuzzy. You made your point !!!

It is much better to see the whole topic from its funny side than to get into another nasty argument
on Aug 03, 2003
Thanks DWM,i'll sleep better knowing some cared enough to slam my rating. Thats ok Fuzzy ,I thought it was hilarious.This is the most fun I've had here !
on Aug 03, 2003
All kidding aside, I kind of like DWM's wall. Am using it now. Makes the icons jump out at you. But to each his own.

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on Aug 03, 2003
It's good to have fun once in a while. We should do this more often...
on Aug 03, 2003
Funny thing is, I'm actually using the wall I made. It kinda grows on you...
on Aug 03, 2003
WOM,I dont think he's insured against actual use.And I dont remember any damage disclaimers.
on Aug 03, 2003
Told you it was too good Fuzzy,we may have to kick you out of the club.
on Aug 03, 2003
I agree with all of you... this whole thing was hysterical! I laughed so hard I cried on more than one occasion. Thanks to Gabriel for starting this all!!! He had the nerve to try and get past the "moderation" to begin with. IR and Fuzzy I would like to thank both of you especially for keeping this in fun mode. Of course Snidely, WOM, MadIce and lots of other helped keep the tone light. Hell, even No_rules eventually relaxed.

Now... you both know my wall puts yours to shame (WOM even said so) so go suck an egg you damn rippers! *DWM trots off to build up steam for his next masterpiece wall... 4, yes FOUR colors* Muhahahahahaha The wall world is mine!
on Aug 03, 2003

Remember, jest or not, the use of another's work/images without consent is a copyright issue which you all rely on the site's admins to protect.

Try not to undermine our effort/s, thanks...

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