NVIDIA (and I use all caps because nobody's ever told me the proper way to address them) asked for the button linking to their website. And they paid for it. This is their current visual style/skin offering for people that are interested.
You dislike the nvidia web link/gfx and have issues with it, yet still want the rest? Use your Object Desktop or SkinStudio registrations and fix things to your liking.
Or, and this is a radical thought, don't use their skin. Or deal with their logo, this isn't worth throwing disease-laden animals into a beseiged city because your God said it was the only thing to do.
Time to nip this all in the bud.
Call it an 'official' stance.
nVidia [pretty sure that's the way, Nakor] is a company which deserves somewhat more than the content of this thread. As I recall, they consulted with and were consulted by Stardock in the development of the Detonator drivers so WindowBlinds could benefit, and, they are one of the companies who have contracted Pixtudio.com to do graphic work for them and are therefore indirectly financially supporting this 'community' which holds treetog and Alexandrie, the principals of Pixtudio.com not only as members, but genuinely VALUED members and Wizops of Wincustomize.com.
OK, so that was long-winded and screaming for punctuation but consider it a challenge for breath-control...
People such as Adam [Skinstudio] and Renato [treetog] are naturally well aware of this, hence their response.
As for the rest of this thread...note clearly that any variation of these graphics would need the endorsement [consent] of nVidia prior to public distribution....and I would expect that consent would NOT be forthcoming.
Doomgaze...yes, you have a right to an 'opinion'...that you 'hate nVidia'....but that's as far as it goes. The rights to what is, or is not done with nVidia's property is theirs alone and must be respected.