Published on July 7, 2003 By Doomgaze In Skinning
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on Jan 18, 2004
What am I doing wrong? -- I'm using a new icon for Winamp 5 --

I linked the icon in Objectdock to run Winamp's ".exe" file -- that works ok but a second icon pops up at the end of my Objectdock bar -- what gives? -- my other programs (except IE) do not create a second icon.

The icon disappears when I close Winamp.

Thanks for helping the newbie

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on Jan 20, 2004
That extra icon popping up, is objectdock letting you know that you have winamp currently open. So, yes, it dissappears when you close winamp down again....

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on Jan 21, 2004
Thanks WrecklessEric -- I actually found a setting in Objectdock that shuts off the taskbar feature.

Now I have another problem: my weather information works great when I set up the docklet the first time but after I shut down the computer and reboot -- the docklet fails to retrieve my weather info.... any ideas??

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on Feb 01, 2004
on one of my computers, the internet explorer button, when right clicked works like a real IE button, on my other machine, it doesnt have the normal options for ie?
on Feb 02, 2004
Finally, after a totally clean install of ObjectDock, the menu function finally works right!

Downside: I now have to put all my stuff back onto my dock.

empirkal: This is in ObjectDock right?
on Feb 03, 2004
Finally, after a totally clean install of ObjectDock, the menu function finally works right!

Which menu function?

I've been using kkmenu, but it just isn't fast enough for me. Can OD now treat folders as menus/submenus all on it's own?
on Feb 03, 2004
The click-and-hold thinger. I've never been able to get it to work until now.
on Feb 14, 2004
When I'm running Media Player in skin mode, I cannot change the icon in objectDock since I cant right click on the icon in the dock. Is there a way to change this manually?
on Mar 09, 2004
Nevermind, found the problem.
on Apr 04, 2004
object dock has such potential - but it consistently crashed my (relatively new) computer, and after some frustration I finally, reluctantly, gave up on it.

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on Apr 05, 2004
Were you getting any sort of error messages? What kind of Docklets were you running (if any) ? Were you using alot of objects on the dock?
on Apr 08, 2004
only docklet I had running was the clock and less than 10 objects on the dock. I tried it with, and without, the taskbar function. No error messages, just a blue screen reminiscant of windows 98 (using XP) that says something about a physical memory dump.

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on Apr 09, 2004
Ouch! Try uninstalling ObjectDock, rebooting, installing it again, rebooting, then running it.
on Apr 12, 2004
awesome, thanks for the help CerebroJ! Seems to be working fine now.

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on Apr 12, 2004
oops I mean CerebroJD

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